Fall & Winter 2023 - What's Coming

Well, it’s definitely been a minute, hasn’t it? We started out with such good intentions at the beginning of the year, but here we are, yet again, apologizing for being so forgetful and so late with our posts.

But friends, I have excellent news.

The excellent news is that we’re officially starting our marketing campaign this fall, and it will run through the new year. So expect to see many more posts (here, on Instagram, on Twitter and Bluesky) and updates over the next few months.

Posts here will include play throughs of some games I have sitting in my backlog, as well as plays of my upcoming games, discussions of narrative games and different indie game systems, safety tools, and all sorts of other things. There will also be updates to the shop: We’re getting a bunch of my games printed - Including a version of the game that started it all: Threshold!

I’m really looking forward to sharing all of the things my marketing team and I been working so hard on over the last few months! If you don’t already know where else to find me, please check out this link for all of my social media - We’re all over the place now, and we’d love for you to join the journey.

Thank you so much for your patience and your support. I couldn’t do any of this without you.