Play & Review: Wait For Me

Wait For Me is a stunning solo journaling game by Jeeyon Shim and Kevin Kulp that centers around the player character and time traveling through their life. It is a style of game that has you drafting entries over a total of 21 games, and the end result is a beautiful keepsake journal that details your time in the game.

As with all of these solo games, you (the player) don’t have to be the main character: You can create a fictional person whose life you build through these entries, or maybe it’s a way to learn more about your TTRPG character’s backstory before they went on their current adventure; However you choose to play, the results of your entry will be different every time, even though the prompts stay the same.

Below you can see a few of my journal entries from my recent play through of this game:

Overall, I love Wait For Me and its concepts of time travel and keepsake journals. I initially backed this game on Kickstarter and received the prompts via email daily when the campaign was finished. It was so interesting and unique; each day was a surprise, and it made me eager for the next entry. I highly recommend this game if you enjoy journaling and creative writing, and don’t mind getting emotionally invested in your own story.