January 2023 - What Are We Looking Toward?

Q: What do we need to focus on in this new month, this new year? What sort of energy should we bring?

January is a month of renewal and hibernation. Deep cold, an opportunity for animals to sleep and find rejuvenation. These cards remind us of the same: Taking time to relax, to renew our energy, is so important and productive, so do not neglect yourself and your needs.

The new ideas swirling in your head have substance, but there is no need to rush. Take your time and evaluate your options, and find the best place to plant your seeds and help them grow. Good things take time.

Remember: It is far better and more important to do something for yourself, because YOU want to, than to try to prove something to those around you.

Decks: Transient Light Tarot and Woodland Wardens Oracle
Pen & Ink: Esterbook Estie Accutron, Medium Nib / Diamine Shimmer, Golden Sands